
Hold Rating: 650 lbs.

This is a heavy duty horizontal toggle clamp for use where overhead space is limited. It has a channel bar and spindle that can be adjusted in height and located at any desired spacing along the channel. Additional spindles may be placed in the channel to accommodate parts of varying thicknesses. The DS-6 model comes with a side mount base.

PricingQty 1-99Qty 100+
DS-6 $14.97 $13.60
2-D AutoCAD Drawing File ds-6.dwg
Product Dimensions

DS-6 11.25 3.56 1.31 0.63 ---- 2.63 1.63 0.33 0.31 ---- ---- 0.69 2.00 0.31 4.00 87 82 650 640

All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise noted.